GHB Window Cleaning is committed to helping homeowners & business’s in Seattle and around the Washington state by ‘Making Windows Shine.’ Recently, we were invited by Redfin to contribute to their article, Window Cleaning Tips from the Pros.
Here’s what we shared: “Take steps to prevent mold and condensation”
Certain conditions can lead to window condensation and mold. When mold is present, it’s often a warning sign that excessive moisture exists inside the house. Condensation on windows is a result of low temperatures on the surface of the glass and high moisture content in the air. To help prevent condensation and window mold, check all windows for smooth operation and increase interior ventilation. Also, make sure to use exhaust fans when showering or cooking. If condensation persists, consider installing a dehumidifier or ceiling fans to improve air circulation.
Always remember when cleaning windows
Don’t use any caustic chemicals, petroleum cleaners or razor blades to clean windows. This includes not using abrasive pads or putty knives. Instead, Do use mild dish soap, like Dawn, and clean water and always rinse completely and wipe dry with a soft cloth. For best cleaning results, avoid washing glass windows in direct sunlight. If screens are present, remember to remove screens prior to window cleaning which is the perfect time to wash screens with mild soap, rinse and re-install.
Check out Redfin’s article to see what other window cleaning experts had to say about tips for improving your home to sell and to ensure that every aspect of your house looks pristine, especially your windows.