GHB Window Cleaning Inc. and Slick Watts, former NBA Seattle Super Sonic, team up to donate money towards new playground equipment at MLK Elementary School in Seattle.
KIRO 7 Article – Slick Watts & GHB WIndow Cleaning Donate to Local School
Sonics’ legend Slick Watts: More donated sports equipment promised for school
by: John Knicely Updated:

KIRO 7 viewers are stepping up after our story about a South Seattle school in need of sports equipment.
Supersonics legend and current P.E. teacher, Donald “Slick” Watts, has gotten dozens of calls after telling KIRO 7 of a $500 donation from his friend at GHB Window Cleaning.
On Monday morning, George Brewer presented the $500 check at an assembly at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School. Watts says it’s all about making sure kids get physical activity.
“With all these computers in the world we need to do something to get kids moving,” said Watts. “And this is a start.”
The donation isn’t lost on the students.
“I’m looking forward to playing 4 Square,” said 5th Grader Kayla Dumlao. “And I think the donation is very helpful to the school.”
“It’s a pretty good donation and a big donation too,” said Naylani Mwamba-Hunter. “I think it’s a pretty cool thing for our school, plus a lot of the balls here have gone flat.”
Watts is encouraged by the offers for more donations and hopes more businesses will step up.
“I got 40 soccer balls coming and they are $17.95 a piece,” said Watts. “So that’s why we are asking other companies, especially Cascade Masonry. Don’t forget what he told me. I’ll be waiting, because we need more.”
Watts says this all just reaffirms what he’s known since he moved here 40 years ago to play for the Sonics.
“Seattle, Washington is the best place in the world to live,” said Watts.
With Monday’s donation, the school is also getting 20 4-square balls, 10 basketballs, and about 30 jump ropes.